Domestic Violence/Restraining Orders
Domestic Violence has received a lot of attention in recent years. There were multiple high profile cases that put focus on the matter. Family and criminal court judges, as well as prosecutors and police, take this matter very seriously. Anyone who allegedly commits an act of domestic violence upon their significant other, or anyone else, is entitled to protection under the law. Without an attorney to present your side of the story, there is often no leniency for those who commit violations or crimes of this type. If you are facing a criminal charge that allegedly is the result of domestic violence, or a restraining order, contact our firm. Our staff has experience in the field to ensure that you have the most adequate representation of your case and escape with minimal consequences.
In most cases of domestic violence, a restraining order is granted which is intended to protect the alleged “victim”. There are multiple different types of restraining orders typically issued. The order is initially granted temporarily, to give the accused the opportunity to plead their side of the story, which normally comes at the time of the restraining order hearing. Without a restraining order being vacated, the defendant is forbidden from having contact of any sort with the “victim”, their residency, and most frequently, the children. Our staff has experience in these types of cases to assist you in pleading your case.
Different types of restraining orders:
TRO (Temporary Restraining Order)
Often times an officer will explain to the victim that they have the right to go to court and get a temporary restraining order to protect the "victim" from more abuse. TRO's may include:
Attacker is temporarily forbidden from entering the home
Attacker is temporarily forbidden from having contact with "victim's" relatives
Attacker is temporarily forbidden from the "victim's" work
Attacker has to pay temporary child support
Attacker must pay back any money victim has to spend for medical treatment or repairs that were a result of the violence.
FRO (Final Restraining Order)
At the restraining order hearing, if the judge finds that the parties have a domestic relationship, the defendant committed an act of domestic violence, and there is an immediate need for restraints to prevent further acts of violence, he will issue a final restraining order. FRO's may include:
Attacker is forbidden from contact of any sort with the victim and their relatives, kids, place of work, and residence.
Attacker is forbidden from owning any sort of weapons
Attacker is responsible for paying financial support, including rent and mortgage payments.
Attacker will be photographed and fingerprinted for the police database and fined anywhere between $50 and $500.
Violation of TRO or FRO
A violation of an FRO is a criminal offense and is criminal contempt of a court order. If a violation is alleged, NJ law requires mandatory arrest. A second violation calls for a mandatory 30 days in jail. A violation can be as minor as a phone call or text message.